THIRD ANNOUNCEMENTRussian Academy of Sciences Russian Foundation for Fundamental Researches Scientific Council for Particle Accelerators of RAS XXI Russian Particle Accelerators Conference RuPAC 2008 28.09 – 03.10 2008, Zvenigorod The Organizing and Program Committees invite you to take part in the XXI Russian Accelerator Conference. The Conference is biannual and collects researchers and specialists in all domains of accelerators physics and engineering and their applications. At the moment there are about 180 registered participants from Russian and foreign institutions. The presented reports can be found on the Conference site. The Conference will take place in the comfortable pension “Zvenigorodskiy RAN” (70 km west from Moscow). The pension is situated in a picturesque country place near Moskva river. The oral sessions will be held in the conference hall of the main building. Additional halls are planned for poster sessions. Internet connections for participants will be provided in a separate room. The Conference program includes invited review reports (30 min), oral presentations (20 min), and poster reports (140 x 70 cm) sessions. The official languages of the Conference are Russian and English. All demonstrating materials of oral reports as well as poster reports are to be in English to avoid the translation problems. The conference hall will be equipped with a standard overhead and multimedia projector. For use of the latter the reporters may use their own notebook or (preferably) submit their reports in Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2000 format on a CD disk or flash memory device. In all cases (but overhead presentation) it is necessary to check after uploading the compatibility of the files with the equipment and software. The secretaries of your sessions will be of help, if necessary. Materials not presented for the Conference (oral and written) will not be published in the Proceedings. A preliminary version of the program including sessions titles and all accepted reports can be found at the Conference web-sites and http://rupac2008.lebedev.ru . If you have registered your abstracts, please, check your personal data and the report title on either site. All aroused question, please, address to the Organizing committee. The Conference Proceedings (in English) will be published in the Joint Accelerator Conference Website (JACoW) http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/. All participants will get a CD copy of the Proceedings. Admitted reports (1 electron +1 hard copy) should be handed to the Program Committee on the first day of the Conference. The reports from the FSU countries have to satisfy the existing rules. Electron versions should meet the JACoW requirements (see http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/.) The main part of the participants is expected to stay at the pension “Zvenigorodskiy RAN” For preliminary booking it is necessary to inform the Organizing Committee about desirable conditions. Due to limitations in the one-room apartments the final decision will be up to Organizing committee. For foreign participants the registration fee is equal to 700 euros and 400 euros for an accompanying person. For those registered later than 01.09.08 the fee will be increased up to 800 euros. For participants from FSU states the registration fee is 10000 roubles. This amount covers accommodations, meals, organizing expenses, an electron copy of the Proceedings, a conference set, a cultural program, coffee breaks, a banquet, and transportation to and from the Zvenigorod railway station. The Conference fee can be paid in cash immediately after arrival at the Conference venue. Participants from FSU having pretensions of the postponed compensation of the fee have to initiate an agreement between their institution and Lebedev Physical Institute. The standard agreement text will be e-mailed after your application to the scientific secretary of RuPAC-2008. In the case of several participants from the same organization a common list of participants is highly desirable. For a partial or even total discount for young scientists and students the participating institution should submit to the Organizing Committee lists of the applicants with a brief recommendation indicating their age and position. One can get Zvenigorod railway station with direct local trains from Belorusskiy Moscow station. Time-table
Indicated are the trains to be met by the Conference buses. Time-table
We plan to meet FSUparticipants at Zvenigorod railway station to transport them to the pension “Zvenigorodskiy RAN”.