ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERSThe Organizing and Programme Committees invite you to take part in the XXI Russian Accelerator Conference.
Location The Conference will take place in the comfortable pension “Zvenigorodskiy” (70 km west from Moscow) with total capacity 250—270 persons. The pension is located in a picturesque country place and offers a lot of additional attractions (bars, saunas, evening movies etc.).The Conference time coincides with the “Indian summer” end, so a good weather could be forecasted. We expect also interesting excursions over monasteries of ancient Zvenigorod town. Conference schedule The Conference includes invited review reports (40 min), oral presentations (20 min), and stands (140 x 70 cm) sessions. The official languages are Russian and English. To be included in the Conference program abstracts in English (.doc format) must be submitted before 31.05.08. The authors will be informed of the decision of the Programme Committee on admittance and form of presentation of their reports after 01.07.08. Publications The list of participants, titles of papers, and abstracts will be available on the Conference web-site http://rupac2008.lebedev.ru/ . The Conference Proceedings (in English) will be published in the Joint Accelerator Conference Website (JACOW) http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/. All participants will get a CD copy of the Proceedings. Hard copies will be available for additional fee. Admitted reports (1 electron version +1 hard copy) should be handed in the Organizing Committee on the first day of the Conference. The reports from the FSU countries have to satisfy the existing rules. Electron versions should meet the JACOW requirements (see http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/.) Registration Applicants should pass the preliminary registration procedure on the Conference web-site http://rupac2008.lebedev.ru/, filling the attached form. The registration at JACOW site http://www.jacow.org./jacowrepository.html. is required as well. Conference fee For foreign participants the registration fee is equal to 700 euros and 400 euros for an accompanying person. This amount covers accommodations (single and double rooms with shower), 4 times/day meals, organizing expenses, an electron copy of the Proceedings, a Conference set, a cultural program, coffee breaks, a banquet, and transportation to and from the Sheremetyevo-2 airport (or Zvenigorod railway station).Note that the fee can be increased if paid after 01.09.08 For participants from Russia and FSU we foresee the registration fee (at the level of 10,000 roubles) bearing in mind a possible support from Russian official organizations. We expect also a partial or even total discount for young scientists and students (special application required). Contact addresses