1 Программа
2 PosterA
3 PosterB
4 PosterD
5 PosterC


September 28, 2008, Sunday




September 29, 2008, Monday 



9.30-10.00  Opening session
10.00-11.00  Session 1.1. “Modern trends in Accelerator Development”        
Chairman - I. Meshkov ,   Secretary -    
10.00-10.30 30 min
D.Kazakov (JINR, Dubna) 
Modern problems in particle physics 

 Coffee break

10.30-11.00  Session 1.2. “Modern trends in Accelerator Development”
Chairman -  I. Meshkov ,      Secretary -
11.00-11.30 30 min
Wilhelm Bialowons (DESY, Germany)
Status if the ILC Project, from RDR to TDP
11.30-12.00 30 min 
J.-P. Delahaye (CERN, Switzerland) 
Status and trends of the CLIC Project 
12.00-12.30 30 min 
Y. Yuan (IMP CAS, China) 
Status of the HIRFL-CSR 


14.00-15.50  Session 2. “Colliders”
Chairman - E. Levichev ,      Secretary – 
14.00-14.30 30 min 
D. Berkaev  (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) 
Status and Progress VEPP-2000 
14.30-15.00 30 min 
M. Zobov (INFN LNF, Italy) 
DAFNE Operating Experience with Crab Waist Collisions 
15.00-15.30 30 min 
V. Smaluk (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) 
Status of VEPP-4M collider at BINP 
15.30-15.50 20 min 
A. Sidorin (JINR, Dubna) 
Project of the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) at JINR 

 Coffee break

16.20-17.40    Session 3.1. “Particle dynamics in accelerators and storage rings, cooling methods, new methods of acceleration” 
Chairman - A. Lebedev ,      Secretary – 
16.20-16.50 30 min 
B. Lorentz (FZJ, Germany)
Machine Aspects of Spin-Filtering Experiments 
16.50-17.20 30 min 
Yu. Senichev (FZJ, Germany) 
Magnetooptic Structures for Synchrotrons with Negative Momentum Compaction Factors 
17.20-17.40 20 min 
E. Bessonov (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow) 
Stimulated radiation cooling 

Poster session A  


 Welcome Party (                    ) 


September 30, 2008, Tuesday

9.00-10.20  Session 3.2. “Particle dynamics in accelerators and storage rings, cooling methods, new methods of acceleration”
Chairman – V. Parkhomchuk ,      Secretary –   
9.00-9.20 20 min 
P. Zenkevich (ITEP, Moscow)  
Analytical Study of Beam Equilibrium for Non-Magnetized Electron Cooling in the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) 
9.20-9.40 20 min 
Yu. Chesnokov (IHEP, Protvino) 
Review of Studies and Application of Bent Crystals for Beam Steering at U70 
9.40-10.00 20 min 
V. Zhabitsky (JINR, Dubna) 
LHC Transverse Feedback System: First Results of Commissioning 
10.00-10.20 20 min
A. Kobets (JINR, Dubna) 
Status of the LEPTA facility 

 Coffee break

11.00-12.30  Session 4.1. “Cycling and linear accelerators”                      
Chairman – M. Zobov ,      Secretary – 
11.00-11.30 30 min 
S. Ivanov  (IHEP, Protvino) 
Accelerator Complex U70 of IHEP-Protvino: Status and Upgrade Plans 
11.30-12.00 30 min 
N. Alexeev (ITEP, Moscow) 
ITEP TWAC status report 
12.00-12.30 30 min 
L. Kravchuk (INR RAS, Moscow) 
Operation and Research Activities at the INR Accelerator Complex 


14.00-15.20  Session 4.2. “Cycling and linear accelerators”   
Chairman – N. Alexeev ,      Secretary –      
14.00-14.30 30 min 
L. Conradie  (iThemba LABS, South Africa)  
The Accelerator Facilities of the National Research Foundation in South Africa 
14.30-15.00 30 min 
B. Gikal (JINR, Dubna) 
Heavy ion cyclotrons of FLNR JINR – status and plans 
15.00-15.20 20 min 
A. Butenko (JINR, Dubna) 
Status of the Nuclotron. “Nuclotron-M” project 
15.20-15.50  Session 5.1. “SR Sources and FELs”  
Chairman –  E. Syresin ,      Secretary –  
15.20-15.50 30 min 
N. Vinokurov (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) 
Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser: operation and second stage commissioning.

 Coffee break

16.20-17.20  Session 5.2. “SR Sources and FELs”   
Chairman – E. Syresin ,      Secretary –   
16.20-16.50 30 min 
V. Korchuganov (RRC "Kurchatov Institute, Moscow) 
First Results of Siberia-2 Storage Ring Operation with 7.5 T Superconducting Wiggler 
16.50-17.20 30 min 
V. Mikhailin (MSU, Moscow) 
SR in spectroscopy 

Poster session B 


 October 1, 2008, Wednesday

9.00-10.40  Session 5.3. “SR Sources and FELs”    
Chairman – V. Korchuganov,      Secretary –                           
9.00-9.20    20 min 
V. Korchuganov (RRC "Kurchatov Institute, Moscow) 
Modernization and Development of Kurchatov Center of Synchrotron Radiation 
9.20-9.40    20 min 
A. Serov (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow)
Working of synchrotron “Pakhra” in the operation mode of synchrotron radiation source. 
9.40-10.00 20 min 
A. Wagner (Tomsk Polytechnic University) 
The comparison of monochromatic X-ray sources based on X-ray tube and 5 MeV microtron 
10.00-10.20 20 min 
N. Shul'ga (NSC KIPT, Kharkov) 
Physics of coherent radiation of relativistic electron bunches  
10.20-10.40 20 min 
M. Gorbunov (MEPhI, Moscow) 
Partially Coherent E.M. Radiation of an Electron Bunch 

 Coffee break

11.10-12.30  Session 6. “Power supplies, Magnetic and vacuum systems”     
Chairman – S. Ivanov ,      Secretary –
11.10-11.30 20 min
A. Anoshin (RRC "Kurchatov Institute, Moscow) 
A new Injection System for Kurchatov Source of SR 
11.30-11.50 20 min 
Yu. Alenitsky (JINR, Dubna) 
Magnetic field of cyclotron RIC-30 correction 
11.50-12.10 20 min 
O. Belikov (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) 
Four-quadrant power supplies for steering electromagnets for electron-positron collider 
12.10-12.30 20 min 
P. Nemytov (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) 
Powerful electron accelerator ELV-12 for ecological applications: power supply and control 


14.00-14.40  Session 7. “SC accelerators and cryogenics”    
Chairman – S. Ivanov ,      Secretary –
14.00-14.20 20 min 
A. Orlov (IHEP, Protvino) 
Commissioning of superconducting radiofrequency separator cryogenic and vacuum system 
14.20-14.40 20 min 
V. Zubko  (IHEP, Protvino) 
Development of Quadrupole for the SIS300 
14.40-15.40  Session 8. “RF acceleration systems”        
Chairman –  A. Medvedko,      Secretary –   
14.40-15.00 20 min 
V. Zvyagintsev (TRIUMF, Canada)  
Development, Production and Tests of Prototype Superconducting Cavities for the High Beta Section of the ISAC-II Heavy Ion Accelerator at TRIUMF 
15.00-15.20 20 min 
V. Kuzmichev (ITEP, Moscow) 
RF power system of cavities for formation hollow heavy ion beam 
15.20-15.40  20 min 
I. Sedlyarov (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) 
Project of RF System for 2.2 GeV Electron Storage Ring – Zelenograd SR Source 

 Coffee break

16.10-17.50  Session 9. “Control systems and diagnostics”  
Chairman –    A. Medvedko ,      Secretary –   
16.10-16.30 20 min 
N. Malitsky (BNL, USA) 
Overview of the NSLS-II Control System 
16.30-16.50 20 min 
A. Feschenko (INR RAS, Moscow) 
Peculiarities of Bunch Shape Measurements of H-minus Beams in Linear Accelerators 
16.50-17.10 20 min 
A. Tron (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow) 
X-ray streak camera of 10 fs resolution for XFEL 
17.10-17.30  20 min 
E. Syresin (JINR, Dubna) 
Diagnostic of ultrashort electron bunches developed at JINR 
17.30-17.50 20 min 
Yu. Rogovsky (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) 
Beam Measurement System for VEPP-2000 ring 

Poster session C


 October 2, 2008, Thursday

9.00-10.00   Session 1.3. “Modern trends in Accelerator Development”   
Chairman –  B. Sharkov ,      Secretary –    
9.00-9.30  30 min  
L. Evans (CERN, Switzerland)  
Status of the  LHC 
9.30-10.00 30 min  
C. Dimopoulou (GSI, Germany) 
Status of  the FAIR 
10.00-13.00   Session 10.1. “Accelerator application to medicine and technology”     
Chairman –  N. Kuksanov ,      Secretary –    
10.00-10.30 30 min  
V. Parkhomchuk (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk)  
Radiation therapy facility based on carbon ion cooler-synchrotron  

 Coffee break

11.00-11.30 30 min  
E. Syresin  (JINR, Dubna)  
Hadron therapy centers based on cyclotrons  
11.30-12.00 30 min   
S. Rastigeev  (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk)
Radiocarbon measurements and background investigation at SD RAS accelerator mass spectrometer
12.00-12.30 30 min   
G. Klenov (MRTI, Moscow)  
Moscow Proton Therapy Facility 
12.30-13.00 30 min   
G. Riabov (PNPI, Gatchina)  
Feasibility study of medical 200 МeV proton beam for oncological treatment at Gatchina synchrocyclotron  


14.00-15.50   Session 10.2. “Accelerator application to medicine and technology”     
Chairman –  E. Syresin,      Secretary –    
14.00-14.30 30 min  
N. Kuksanov (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk)  
Automated complex for E-B treatment of cable and wire insulation 
14.30-15.00 30 min  
A. Strokach (NIIEFA, St. -Peterburg)  
Novel Compact Cyclotrons for Production of Radionuclides  
15.00-15.30 30 min  
D. Solnyshkov  (NIIEFA, St. -Peterburg)  
Pulsed Neutron Generators at D.V. Efremov Research Institute  
15.30-15.50 20 min 
A. Bryazgin (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk)   
Industrial high energy electron accelerators type ILU 

Coffee break

 Session 10.3. “Accelerator application to medicine and technology”
 Chairman –  E. Syresin ,      Secretary –
16.20-16.40 20 min  
V. Tarnetsky (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) 
100 kW modular linear accelerator for industrial applications with electron energy of  7.5–10 MeV 

16.40-17.00 20 min   

N. Alexeev (ITEP, Moscow)  
Technological line for proton irradiation of semiconductor structures  
17.00-17.20 20 min    
A. Papash (JINR, Dubna) 
Review of commercial cyclotrons for production of medicine isotopes

 Poster session D / Round Table of NICA project


 Conference dinner


 October 3, 2008,  Friday 

9.00-10.10  Session 11. “Ion sources and electron guns”        
Chairman –                        ,      Secretary –   
9.00-9.30  30 min 
S. Bogomolov  (JINR, Dubna) 
Development of the ECR ion sources for the FLNR (JINR) cyclotrons 
9.30-9.50  20 min 
S. Yakovenko (JINR, Dubna) 
Development of the positron injector for LEPTA facility 
9.50-10.10 20 min 
M. Eseev (Lomonosov Pomor State Universitet, Arkhangelsk) 
Dynamics of the positron bunch in Surko trap of the LEPTA facility 
10.10-10.50  Session 12. “Radiation problems in accelerators”
Chairman –                        ,      Secretary – 
10.10-10.30 20 min 
A. Stepanov (NIIEFA, St.- Peterburg) 
System for the Radionuclide Diagnostics 
10.30-10.50 20 min 
G. Timoshenko (JINR, Dubna) 
Monte-Carlo simulations for estimation of the radiation environment around the modernized Nuclotron 

 Coffee break

Session 3.3. “Particle dynamics in accelerators and storage rings, cooling methods, new methods of acceleration”             
Chairman –        ,      Secretary –   
11.20-11.40 20 min 
A. Bukharov (Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow) 
Application of the cryogenic corpuscular target for experiments with the laser acceleration of charged particles 
11.40-12.00 20 min 
Ye. Fomin (RRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow) 
Electron Beam Dynamics in LINAC of Kurchatov Source of SR with Energy Doubling 
12.00-12.20 20 min 
V. Kapin (ITEP, Moscow) 
Influence of space charge on dynamical effects on dynamical aperture of TWAC storage ring 
12.20-12.40 20 min 
A. Tishchenko (MEPhI, Moscow) 
UV and X-ray radiation from bunch of electrons striking the target edge 
12.40-13.00   Closing session



 Excursion to Zvenigorod
