The Organizing and Program Committees invite you to take part in the XXI Russian Accelerator Conference. The Conference is biannual and collects researchers and specialists in all domains of accelerators physics and engineering and their applications. Traditionally it collects about 250 specialists from Russian and foreign institutions.
The Conference will take place in the comfortable pension “Zvenigorodskiy RAN” (70 km west from Moscow) with total capacity 250—270 persons. The pension is situated in a picturesque country place and offers a lot of additional attractions (bars, saunas, evening movies, etc.).The Conference time coincides with the “Indian summer” accompanied usually with a good weather . We expect also interesting excursions round the monasteries of ancient Zvenigorod town.
Control dates
June 15 2008 г. – the last day for registration forms and abstracts submission . July 15 2008 г. – the Programme Committee response on acceptance and presentation form of the reports. June 30 2008 -- the last day to present information necessary for Russian visa receiving. To arrange a visa support invitation for you we should receive a scanned copy of your passport (identification page)* and the following info: Your affiliation and its postal address, tel. and fax: Position: The Russian consulate you are going to apply for visa to: Postal address we may send you the visa support invitation paper** to:
A copy of passport and required info ought to be send to: avasiliev@jinr.ru
*Take into account that your passport should be valid at least 6 months after the date of expiry of the applied visa. **Only original papers are taken in consulates.
Conference topics
Conference schedule
The Conference programme includes invited review reports (40 min), oral presentations (20 min), and poster repots (140 x 70 cm) sessions. The official languages of the Conference are Russian and English. The report abstracts (in English) have to be submitted before 31.05.08. The authors will be informed about decision of the Programme Committee on the report acceptance and on presentation form of the reports after 01.07.08. A preliminary version of the programme including sessions titles and all accepted reports will be published at the Conference web-site http://rupac2008.lebedev.ru . If you have registered your abstracts, please, check your personal data and the report title on either site.
Rooms and meals
The main part of the participants is expected to stay at the pension “Zvenigorodskiy RAN” For preliminary booking it is absolutely necessary to inform the Organizing Committee about desirable conditions (single/double/triple room, etc.). The living expenses at the pension are included in the registration fee. Information about season prices can be found on the sites http://www.kurortmag.ru/region/49795/ and http://www.pleyada.ru/tour/podmosk/2007/zvenran.htm. Please, take care of confirmation of your intention to participate the Conference as early as possible due to limited number of available rooms and necessity of partial payment in advance. The Organizing committee can not guarantee booking for those registered later Aug 15, 2008.
Registration fee
For foreign participants the registration fee is equal to 700 euros and 400 euros for an accompanying person. This amount covers accommodations (single or double room with shower), meals, organizing expenses, an electron copy of the Proceedings, a conference set, a cultural programme, coffee breaks, a banquet, and transportation to and from the airport (or Zvenigorod railway station). The Conference fee has to be paid in cash immediately after arrival at the Conference venue. Note that the fee could be increased if your application is made later than 01.09.08 For participants from FSU states the registration fee at the level of 10,000 roubles is foreseen owing to support of Russian institutions. Certain deviations depend on selected living conditions. The financial documentation will be matched to official requirements of your home institution. We expect also a partial or even total discount for young scientists and students. To get it the participating institution should submit to the Organizing Committee lists of the applicants with a brief recommendation before July 31.
We plan to meet participants at the main Moscow airports and at Zvenigorod railway station to transport them to the pension “Zvenigorodskiy RAN”. We would certainly need the information about your arrival (date, time, and place). Necessary information for independent arrival can be found at the web-site http://www.pleyada.ru/tour/podmosk/2007/zvenran.htm.
The list of participants, titles of the papers, and the abstracts will be available on the Conference web-site http://rupac2008.lebedev.ru. The Conference Proceedings (in English) will be published in the Joint Accelerator Conference Website (JACoW) http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/. All participants will get a CD copy of the Proceedings. Hard copies will be available for an additional fee.
Admitted reports (1 electron +1 hard copy) should be handled to the Programme Committee on the first day of the Conference. The reports from the FSU countries have to satisfy the existing ”home” regulations. Electron versions should meet the JACoW requirements (see http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/.)
Applicants should pass the preliminary registration procedure filling the attached form on the Conference web-site http://rupac2008.lebedev.ru. Afterward you will get e-mail with login and password. You should use them to enter the site http://rupac2008.lebedev.ru/ru/login/. You can change your personal data at this site (name, e-mail address ets.). As well you can place abstract of the report presented by you to the field "abstract" and further " add abstract". Please fill in the field with some additional information: type of the report (oral or poster), presenting person (name of presenting person and contact e-mail), authors of the report and it's presentation title, finally please place abstract of the report to the corresponding field. You can place abstracts of several reports the same way. The registration at JACoW site http://www.jacow.org./jacowrepository.html. is required as well (for those who did not have an account before).